This summer I picked up King of Kings(1961) at a yard sale for no good reason and now I have to watch it. It's three hours long, I put it on two nights in a row so far and am only half way through. Jesus' eyes=blue
Tubi has Jesus Of Nazareth (1977) streaming for free. Apparently this one is quite good, albeit stuffed with cameos, 6.5 hours long, and starring a Jesus who was cast on the basis of his...amazingly blue eyes.
I haven't seen it, but I have on VHS a copy of The Miracle Maker, which is stop-motion animated and from the perspective of Jairus' daughter. I read that it's an underrated gem! I think Ralph Fiennes voices Jesus.
We have the VHS, I might also have a DVD (a street fair evangelist gave me like 10), I'm sure you can watch it online; but I can't bring myself to put on the 1970s Jesus movie, apparently nearly word for word out of The Gospel of Luke.
Nor is this the year I'll watch The Gospel of John, a word-for-word adaptation from 2003 that I think you can watch on the same website as the older Jesus movie.
I think Tubi has the Bruce Marchiano-starring Gospel of Matthew movie that started Mr. Marchiano playing Jesus almost as a career. But what I'm *actually* interested in seeing is Pier Pasolini's 1963 Italian language Gospel According to St. Matthew...
...which apparently stars a 19 year old law student as Jesus and is supposed to be among the best Biblical films ever made, despite Pasolini being an atheist. Tubi has the original b&w version as well as a severely shortened colorized and dubbed version.
Tubi also has The Passion of the Christ (and the edited broadcast version too!) which I've been saying I'll finally watch for a few years now. Hopefully this year.
Oh, expletive, I have my unwatched copy of The Bible miniseries (I watched the broadcast) on DVD here too, which was...edited or something? into the film Son of God, which I don't have. Not motivated to watch that.
I feel like I should want to watch that recent Mary Magdalene movie with Rooney Mara, but what I *actually* want to see is that recent film starring Ewan McGregor as both Jesus and Satan (the film is about Jesus' temptation in the wilderness)
Not watching The Young Messiah. Or The Greatest Story Ever Told, despite Max von Sydow as Jesus and John Wayne cameoing as a centurion.
Can I rewatch Jesus Christ Superstar (1973)? Low-key my favorite Bible movie.
Let's not forget local Bible theater Sight & Sound is making their recording of their musical Jesus available via TBN for free for a few days later this week!
I feel like I started this thread to clarify which Jesus movies I should watch this week and now I'm more confused then ever. Maybe I need to break them up into a three-year cycle like the lectionary does with the gospel readings
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