#Presidementia (1) Hannity insanity tonight: Trump on Fox pitching his drug combo: “You know, things are happening, it’s a, it’s a, I’ve not seen bad.” His one anecdote is horrible. Hannity is the king of softball #MalignantEnabling.
#Presidementia (2) Hannity insanity tonight: Trump replays his old tapes about China & “shutting it down early,” same as the vague stuff he says daily in briefing. As in previous appearances—these are not interviews—Trump just talks without stopping. There is no content.
#Presidementia (3) Hannity insanity tonight: Sean tries to set up each of Trump’s monologues by making a statement with which Trump can agree as though it’s genuine thought. Amazing malignant enabling.
#Presidementia (4) Hannity insanity tonight: Sean feeds Trump (again) a statement he has heard Trump repeat daily so Trump can parrot the canned material. Repeats the “Sir” story & 1917 (!) again. He is rambling: “You see what was happening.”
#Presidementia (5) Hannity insanity tonight: Sean tees up the idea of trillions for recovery, & Trump simply says, “The Euro is peanuts compared to the dollar.” Makes no sense. Slams Middle East situation? Sean slams China & WHO, Trump brags w/ old tape about trade deal. Rambles.
#Presidementia (6) Hannity insanity tonight: Long solo riff by Trump (Sean has askedrity only 4-5 questions) runs on like he’s alone on a park bench. Sean raps Cuomo, sets up some prime Trump bullshit about ventilators. Trump brags about his supreme “skill asa diplomat.” LOL
#Presidementia (7) Hannity insanity tonight: Trump covers his cognitive deficits by saying, “I could name those governors, but I won’t.” Still rambling about how happy everyone is except for what the fake news says. He is chattering nonstop.
#Presidementia (8) Hannity insanity tonight: Sean brings up Biden, sets Trump to trash Joe. Trump says they had a nice talk. That’s surprising. Sean goes to Boris & hydroxychloroquine. Trump says Boris is very sick & then rambles re companies that have potential cures.
#Presidementia (9) Hannity insanity tonight: Trump boasts he has referred people to London (British Health Service of course rejected the offer). Back to economy, it’s BS/CS. Trump will save every big corporation & Putin & Saudi will be wonderful. Happy days.
#Presidementia (10) Hannity insanity tonight: Sean slams impeachment, Pelosi, so Trump goes off on the fake phony hoax disgrace impeachment. Sean plays an impaired Trump like taking candy from a small child. Trump rambles for several minutes.
#Presidementia (11) Hannity insanity tonight: With 20 seconds left, Sean sets up Trump to trash fake news, disgraceful news, the hateful press. Signs off. Not one substantive question, not one substantive reply. All rally text & old tapes. Cue the bumper music. < GOOD NIGHT >
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