I'm trying to get my head around "The 1% Robbery" #GreatestTheftInHistory

What we know about the Stock Market:
1) 85% of all shares owned by wealthiest 10%
2) 7% of all shares owned by bottom 90%
3) Remaining (8%) shares are owned by mutual funds, pension funds, 401Ks etc

What we know also know about the Stock Market:
4) Share price falls because investors sell en mass because 'confidence' lost
5) If wealthiest 10% sell lots of shares market falls because they own the most shares
6) The top 10% can sell the quickest

More about the Stock Market:
7) High Frequency Trading (HFT) uses computers to buy & sell shares quickly in front of orders from mutual funds, pensions, 401Ks
8) These groups then lose money
9) HF Traders call this the 'Death of a Thousand Cuts'

What we know about the Stimulus Package:
1) Touted as $2.2 Trillion, TRUE ONLY ON SURFACE
2) (4PROFIT) Hospitals get $130 Billion
3) $367 Billion 'reserved' for small businesses
4) State budgets get 'a subsidy?' $?
5) $250 Billion for 'working people

More about the Stimulus Package:
1) Of the $2.2 Trillion, $500 Billion to Big Businesses
2) $425 Million given to Federal Reserve to create Federal Reserve Fund (FRF)
3) FRF to be leveraged (multiplied) 10X for Big Businesses totaling $4.25 Trillion

So, as you can see from the two previous tweets, $0.5 Trillion to big business in the $2.2 Trillion, plus an additional $4.25 Trillion from the Federal Reserve Fund for a total of $4.75 Trillion for BIG BUSINESS


THE PEOPLE ARE ONLY GETTING 4% OF THIS BAILOUT. But the people will pay for it.

Remember the 2008 Bailout? Wall Street & Big Biz got bailed out as millions got kicked from their homes.

You should expect to see this again, Citizens.

More about the Stimulus Package:

The Federal Reserve is going to create another TARP to help banks, $4 Trillion

Also, the Federals Reserve has gone negative interest rates, which means they will pay banks to borrow (our) money from them. Weird.

How is it theft if it's loans?

Zero accountability for any payback of funds or how the funds are used or even who gets money. Xcept Funds will be given to big banks & 'select individuals' (seriously?) that reads like a 'Who's Who' of Goldman Sachs.


More how is it theft if it's loans?

Speculation among us 'conspiracy nuts' is the money will be used to buy distressed businesses, mergers for monopolies, stock buybacks, buy foreclosed homes & autos repossessed from sub-prime auto loans etc


How is it theft?

You decide if loaning money to banks & 'select individuals' with no accountability on who gets it, how it's used, or how & when it's re-payed is theft or not.

Frankly, I'm calling it "Robbery by the Too Big to Fail" crowd, again.

Sources: Forbes, CNBC & even http://Brookings.edu  but my inspiration to write it was this WELL SOURCED video by James of Corbett Report, since even though he has proof for everything he says, he's labeled a 'conspiracy theorist' and people don't watch.
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