Every now and then it hits you just how seriously unstable flat-earth people are. Overwhelming photographic evidence the moon is round, countless videos of other planets spinning, earth's shadow profile on the moon always round unless a half moon yet they still insist it's flat.
I honestly believe they shut down the asylums in this former nation, in part, to keep the Republican half of the 2-Party Death Spiral viable. If they were still open at least 5 of the states that normally turn red now wouldn't and even their electoral handicap would fail them.
Think about how the key people on FOX NEWS talk and hold themselves; inflections used, mannerisms, facial expressions. They are very specific in their presentations, all body language and gestures are those of psychiatric workers. It's not happenstance, it's intentional.
They purposefully keep a toned down demeanor and if any guest gets excited or begins to shout the hosts instantly fall back into an *I'm above this* posture. It's not normal behavior for anyone yet ALL of them do it consistently. Raising one's voice is presented as no-no #1.
They f*cking know their audience has been conditioned to respond to such visible and audible cues as children facing authority figures. Think about how menacing that is - how downright cruel and abusive such people are who would manipulate an audience of special needs persons.
But, also think about what we know about them - not just their presentation but what they really respond to, how, when and to what they break protocol for. When that guy shot the Congressional softball team of Republicans years back they instantly fell into "OMG, STAY CALM" mode.
Even their huck-huck buddy, Ted McNugget, came out visibly shaken saying "Hey, guys, we gotta all stay cool. Like, this is gettin serious, man". Mr. Chickenhawk himself was suddenly no longer calling on everybody else to grab a gun and be a tough guy. Why's that?
It's because they know their audience is unstable. Many of them literally believe earth is flat, a big chunk are still convinced corona is a hoax and those Q freakshows are so over the edge all I have to do is type 12349 and they'll interpret it as JESUS IS COMING TOMORROW, MAN.
Why do you think FOX started putting cartoons on in the evening? The Simpsons, Family Guy, etc, are prime time shows. Yeah, they're cute and, in a way, it's like - ok, about time, cartoons are fun. But, it wasn't like that for FOREVER until just after the asylums were closed.
Stop and do this math, seriously. You've been seeing those prime time cartoons for years now and almost certainly didn't see it from the perspective of the millions of heads of households in the USA who now have ADULT CHILDREN WITH PSYCHIATRIC ISSUES living with them 24/7.
Now you know why ALL of them feature father figures who are dumb as dirt but are portrayed as the most lovable characters in them - that also have the majority of the best comebacks. It's 100% conditioning, it's 100% intentional and it's 100% being done to millions of Americans.
The people with adult children living with them that would otherwise be living in an asylum? They're the grandmothers online posting American flags and crazy PATRIOT/CHRISTIAN this and that crap. The only news they get to see is FOX because changing the channel = Jr. FREAKS OUT.
I've been in several households like that and what tipped me off to it was in every one of them the dad (or father figure) was at least once in my presence referred to as "Homer". Yeah, it seemed cute - the first dozen times. Hey, at least it supports a jovial environment, right?
Until it's time for the news and then that environment sinks down into what it's all really about - marching orders. Play time's over once it's time to Republicanize the living room full of people who were 30 seconds ago partaking in all the most liberal displays of hedonism.
Let's be real real for a second. Psychiatric abnormalities have always been big money. 5,000 yrs ago someone was selling their services to drill a hole in the head of a neighbor's crazy kid, someone else was renting out their second cave as a rubber room 20,000 yrs before that.
When asylums were shut down in this place years back it was not missed by the big money people that a massive opportunity had appeared. There were very clear signs viewing behaviors had changed nation wide. All anyone had to do was figure out how to capitalize on those changes.
"In 1955, for every 100,000 US citizens there were 340 psychiatric hospital beds. In 2005 that number had diminished to 17 per 100,000"


340/100k down to 17/100k - as the population TRIPLED and pollution skyrocketed. It really doesn't take a genius.
What that statistic shows is that for every 1,000 people in the USA who almost certainly can't handle what most of us consider reality only 17 of them (as of 2005) are being properly looked after. The other 983 of said 1,000? I think you know what they're up to (hint: M A G A).
So, no, it's not just you who've been debating if those people wearing red hats with the most hypocritical anagram imaginable on them are actually certifiably crazy. Let this thread act as a confirmation that the answer is a resounding YES, THEY MOST CERTAINLY ARE.
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