Yeah. But you have to critique the IG report as well, and see where the recommendations went.

Many of the recommendations the IG suggested...fell on deaf years for the rest of the Obama administration.
For example, they suggested a restructuring of HHS, CDC, etc, to decide which department would play the lead role in specific cases.

This was never done. And many of the same mistakes were repeated this time.
The suggested a more formal method of approving funding by Congress, instead of the haphazard approach in 2009.

Again...Congress largely acted chaotically once again. Nothing was really fixed in how funding to states and localities worked.
In fact, funding this time worked FASTER than 2009. Much faster. IG then called the process too 'slow and cumbersome'. But this virus was much faster and more virulent, so even an improved funding mechanism was not fast enough.

If this had been would've been worse.
Furthermore, one reason why the WHO system didn't work this because of China.

In 2009, the US was the first to respond, and immediately worked with the WHO and international community to find a solution.

That didn't happen this time, because of China.
The irony is, there is going to be an IG report on the coronavirus...and I bet, very much, that it will come back with very similar findings.

I bet many will criticize the report then.
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