id love it if we could stop ragging on the olive garden. some of us grew up poor in parts of the country that don't have robust selections of italian restaurants. that was the nicest meal i'd ever eaten for most of my life. i celebrated my graduation from college there.
like, wow, sorry the olive garden isn't fine cuisine. im sure the egg noodles and ketchup YOU make are way better.
we all know its the Chili's of italian food. You arent going there for a lifechanging experience.
anyway, have fun being better than everyone
Please note my last name, btw. I come from Long Island Italian-American stock. I have eaten some incredible, incredible italian food; my grandmother was a wizard with the pasta and gravy.

but fuck the olive garden hate.
we *could not* get that kind of food in virginia at an affordable price for my family. my mom, god bless her, did her best on increasingly dwindling resources and she still makes killer spaghetti but really much beyond that required dining out.
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