The villains of The Last of Us 2 being homophobic christians is stupid and I'll explain why in this thread.

Reason 1:

It doesn't really fit the world, in an apocalypse where you're sneaking around corners, being careful of other survivors and flesh eating mutants-

do you really think anyone would give a shit of who fucks with who? No, cause it's irrelevant for survival.

If you're recruiting someone to join your survival squad, are you really gonna turn them away cause they're gay, if they're useful, they're useful.

Reason 2-

It seems lazy, I hate using that term, but here it is from a creative stance.

You can totally make a good villain character/squad without them being bigoted towards a certain group of people, take a character like Green Goblin/Norman Osborn from Spider-Man-

he's a corrupt business man/politician (depending on which comic) with a serious addiction to a drug that turns him into a monster, activating the most negative parts of his subconscious, he uses this to grow as Norman Osborn by "eliminating" his competition and roadblocks.

That's literally all you need, you don't need to add "Oh by the way he also hates asians" to try and make him more evil,
he's a corrupt business man and a monster who kills people with bombs, you don't need more than that, he's a villain.

Reason 3:

You can be homophobic without being a christian, or religious for that matter, but nah fuck it let's continue to push this bs messages that all christians/religious people are homophobic, cause all religious people follow every single letter of their book right?

Hey, guess what-
I'm somewhat christian, do I agree with some christians saying that homosexuality is wrong?
Fuck no.

Guess what else-
I'm BISEXUAL and I respect anyone if they're not being a cunt.
That's it, that's all I gotta say.

Not buying The Last of Us 2.

Thanks for listening.
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