One of the few good things about all this is that true colours are shown. Some people tried to take advantage of the situation. Some shops stayed open when they should’ve closed. Other people and businesses have shined by following guidelines and helping people.
My point is, this has taught us that there are decent people in the world, but also taught us that some people and businesses are scum who are happy to endanger others for personal gain. These are the people we should shun, the businesses we should boycott when this is over.
We can’t just forget about them. There are people out there putting their lives on the line to help others. These people are heroes and should be treated as such. Similarly, certain people and businesses are greedy. Selfish After this, we don’t forgive and we don’t forget.
This thread came about because of all of the trending “boycott company x” hashtags on trending. And that’s good, companies that failed to protect and support their staff don’t deserve our trade. But I get the feeling most of it will be forgotten by the time life returns to normal
What I’m saying is that we can’t just forget what they did. They showed their true colours. Now they need to pay the consequences. #DontForgiveDontForget
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