This is a thread for @SchittsCreek and especially @danjlevy. I've tried to write these 3 times already but i always run out of words. You make me speechless. My name is Bia, i'm from portugal and i hope someday i can tell stories, inspire people and change people.
I've tried to record a video (film student style) but i always end up crying and, like david rose, i am an ugly crier. So this is me trying my best. I identify myself as pansexual, since I was about 17 and the first scene i watched of this show was the wine scene between +
+ stevie and david. This is where i got hooked. I bingewatched it, not knowing what was to come and boy... little did i know that this was going to be more than a tv show for me. I'm in a growing phase of my life, trying not to drop out of film school out of frustration or
thinking i will never tell my stories, trying to have an healthy relationship with myself and to understand myself better. I had not realised until i watched the documentary how big of an inspiration @danjlevy really is for me. The way these stories were told, the way these
characters were shown do us, the way these people have changed (schitts creek created character development) have inspired me to try and tell my stories too, i saw myself in Dan's work and the way i want to tell stories really did change because of him. I have found a reason +
not to give up just yet. Daniel Levy you inspire me so much in a way i can never thank you enough or try to explain, for that matter. I hope I can write a more personal letter in the future when I'm not sobbing my sadness, happiness and gratitude away. I end this thread with +
+ the word Saudade. It's a portuguese word for a certain emotion of nostalgia, something that you love and it's no longer close to you. This is what i will feel from now on, this feeling of saudade no other show will get from me.
This feeling of saudade i will feel in 10 years when i look back to this period of my life, where i found an inspiration and something to look forward to, and i will look back with some much joy. Because @SchittsCreek is joy, it brings us to a home
we never thought we would have. So @danjlevy, i hope we meet in the future, i hope to tell you how the rest of the story goes. Can't wait whats there to come for you and i'll be here getting more inspired everyday. My warmest regards, saudade, Beatriz x
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