Had a normal labor/delivery 72 hrs ago. Kid is healthy. I have 3 mos paid leave. Husband is home to help for a bit. And still, caring for an infant while bleeding and literally wearing diapers yourself is hard. So. Why do we make ppl go back to work as soon as 3 days later?
I’m not allowed to lift more than 8 lbs, drive, or stand up for long periods. I wouldn’t be able to reach or move many things in my home without my husband here to help. Again. I had a NORMAL delivery. So. Why don’t we have standard parental leave?
Thinking that people should work right after their kid is born because “the market will sort it out” is like supporting the policy equivalent of letting a 3rd degrees perineal tear heal without stitches; you’re gonna get a river of shit as an outcome.
Also, I don’t care if you think this means women should just be at home because “that’s what we used to do back in the good old days.” Back then women committed suicide from PPD or died at the age of 25 after their 5th pregnancy so STFU.
Oh. And one more thing. Guess what else takes a huge adjustment period that necessitates family leave?? ADOPTION. This pregnancy has gone and re-radicalized me. (Don’t @ me that’s a joke)
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