some practical dating advice for women, or rather, an antidote to the sadly pervasive bad advice they will find elsewhere


John Sanilac
Although nothing more than a humble preowned magic carpet merchant and composer of symphonic novels, possessing no special wisdom of my own, I am compelled to write one more thread of relationship advice as an antidote to the slow poisons so frequently peddled in other quarters.
I will start by pointing out that the common sense of the average woman provides a truer compass than the wittiest of fashion writers and Instagram influencers.
No doubt my own compass points truer still. This is because I have neither fashions nor potions to sell you, but only hope to raise awareness of my magic carpet business, or, should carpets be out of stock due to unavoidable supply chain difficulties, my modest musical creations.
Fashion writers and Instagram influencers profit from the advertising of products whose benefits fall very far short of their promises, and this causes a distortion in their advice which leaves it inferior to common sense.
Hollywood and the media are harmful for different reasons, which I have discussed elsewhere; no doubt you have already read my famous practical manual BEAUTY TIPS FOR BRAINY GIRLS.
I will begin here by drawing your attention to bad advice from a third quarter--the traditionalists. Namely,

"Dress modestly."
"Dress modestly" is bad advice, though far from the worst advice I will discuss in this thread, and bad advice even if you are a traditionalist.

Of course you already know this; but when someone forcefully says "dress modestly," it seems for a moment as if they must be right.
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