Generic metalcore bands who released songs that were actually bangers: A thread
For All Those Sleeping “I’m Not Dead Yet”

By time FATS got momentum, it was already too late for 2010s metalcore to sustain them. They knew how to write a hell of a hook tho
Abandon All Ships “Take One Last Breath”

Fun fact: This is the 13th most-viewed video on the Rise Records YouTube channel. 14 million views, toe-to-toe with Sleeping With Sirens, Of Mice & Men, etc.
Scarlett O’Hara “Lost In Existence”

One of the many bands who signed to Rise and only released one album (they dropped a comeback one a couple years ago). But this was a great Rise-core moment that was largely overlooked
We Are Defiance “It’s Not a Problem Unless You Make It One”

The screamer of WAD (Brian Calzini) was the original screamer for Sleeping With Sirens. There’s a lot of debate over who is actually screaming on the first SWS demos
At the Skylines “Shady Dreamin’ (Tension)”

It’s so funny how major labels are so behind on trends. Roadrunner signed At the Skylines in 2012 and they released one album before getting dropped. The generi-core wave had fully saturated by then
A Stained Glass Romance “Breathless”

If you’ve fallen down a modern metalcore rabbit hole on YouTube, you’ve probably come across this song. The thumbnail has the bro with the massive stretched ears in it. It went early-scene viral, over 5 million views
Casino Madrid “Fightin’ Words”

This came out in 2011 with a shitty push from Artery Records. If they were two years earlier on Rise Records, this band would’ve been 10x bigger than they ended up being
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