I'm hearing this even from ppl like this guy who should be smart enough to know better. That low fatality rate is dependent on hospitals not being overwhelmed (i.e curve flattening via social distancing). If we just let it burn that rate will likely jump into double digits. https://twitter.com/michaeljburry/status/1241963119133331456
So absolutely nobody is arguing that we are doing this lockdown to save 0.2% of the population. We're doing it to save the ~5% of the population or higher that would die if we just let some +60% of the country ride it out w/out benefit of care b/c our healthcare system crashed.
To be clear, it's not just that Burry is wrong about this. Rather, he's wrong in the way an entire category of people are wrong right now. They think we're making a choice that we simply are not making. We are not burning down the economy to save 0.2% of the population.
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