Tonight I was supposed to participate in a "Careers in Medicine" panel telling medical students why rheumatology is the absolute best. That panel was cancelled due to COVID-19, so instead I'm posting it on Twitter! (THREAD)
1. Rheumatologists help patients get their lives back. Patients have told me things like:
-I'm working on cars again for the first time in years!
-I'm so thankful I can hold/chase my child/grandchild again!
-And so on.
2. Rheumatologists save lives.
-Sometimes quickly (ANCA vasculitis with DAH)
-Sometimes slowly (saving kidneys in lupus nephritis)
-Sometimes very slowly (DMARDs and lifestyle recommendations in RA patients reducing cardiovascular disease)
3. Rheumatologists do awesome physical exams that actually matter. Follow a rheumatologist around for a day and you'll see how much fun this can be.
4. Rheumatologists get to work closely with a TON of different specialties. PCPs, ortho, pulm, GI, neuro, derm, endo, ID, ophtho, urology, etc. It's fun to learn from the expertise of colleagues.
5. Rheumatologists get to be internists too. What you learn in medical school is actually going to be useful!
6. Rheumatologists get great gardening tips from their patients. This is very useful when you buy a house with a nice garden but have no idea how to garden.
7. Rheumatologists get to know their patients well (see number 6). It's wonderful to get to see and help friends on a daily basis.
8. Rheumatologists have a great mix of routine visits (stable RA) and interesting puzzles (possible vasculitis, undifferentiated arthritis) throughout their day
9. Rheumatologists (usually) get home on time for dinner. I have 3 kids aged 5 and under and I love watching them not eat their dinner every night. Rheumatology is a very livable specialty.
10. Rheumatologists have the best organizations, leaders, and educators. Check out @ACRheum @eular_org @RheumResearch @RheumJC @HealioRheum @RheumNow @rheum_covid @EBRheum and most recently @anisha_dua and the #ViRL for examples. Apply to attend the #ACR2020 annual meeting!
So why did I choose #rheumatology? Honestly, my wife told me to do it. When she suggested it, I told her that it was a tiny specialty and no one does rheumatology. But then I did a rotation. And then another one. And now here I am. Loving it.
So why do you love rheumatology?
You can follow @DavidLeverenz.
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