I formally studied economics, and I have a decent working understanding of inflation, money supply and how the economy functions.

This COVID crisis is different! We’ve never had a supply + demand shock like this, ever. Production and economy is basically at a Halt. 1/5
If this spirals into job loss and collapse of MSMEs, and a lot of data suggests it will, we’ll require vastly different thinkin from what we have - in industry and in govt.

We’re inflation focused and hardly anyone I’ve talked to (experts in the field) can say much on deflation!
How do you get out of a deflation when the fiscal state of the govt and of companies isn’t good enough to increase spending?

I hate modern monetary theory as a concept, but if there ever was a time to print money without caring much, it might just be now!
I know it sounds crazy, but the only way out of a deflation like we’re about to experience might be to just print and throw money into people’s hands!

This is something our policy makers need to start discussing with people who understand this stuff (rare in our govt)!
Economic survival for over a billion people depends on us taking extreme measures to come out of this!

The discussion needs to start now, because the fallout can totally be worse than the virus. It’s not a “we’ll think about it after the virus is gone” type of thing!
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