Ugh. Board meeting today went down at 5 PM, without a 7 PM session. So I missed it live on the website. For old times sake, I'll live tweet out the replay I'm watching. Glad to see we've made this step. Mute me for an hour and a half if you don't want to follow along. #uted
Terrible background noise.
Todd Zenger opposed the new maturation program materials.
4 New admin appointments.
Dr. Bryce Bates new director of Special Ed. Kyle Anderson new associate director of Special Ed. Monica Ramos Carlson new associate director of Ed Equity. Ricky Ambrose new principal of Rosecrest elementary. Jonny Madditch will be assistant principal at Oly Junior.
Chastity Holmes will be assistant principal at Fox Hilld and Gourley elementary schools.
Two info items tonight. First is Recycling Program update.
They watched s presentsitin earlier. No questions.
Next is a PBL (formerly known as PBG) update. Dawn Hauser has been working on this. Nicole McDermott was also on the committee. Terry notes there is a long way to go but moving in right direction. Connie A appreciates that district is willing to change & improve PBL. Gives hope.
Connie B also expressing thanks, stating students will benefit because of Dawn's involvement, and making necessary changes.
Gayleen really excited about PBL. Glad to shift towards learning rather than grading.
Dawn inviting questions and thanking for support.
Karyn stating Dawn was reluctant to take position unless she had the ability to make changes. Kudos from Kayrn. Commitment to make changes, little by little. Moving on to action.
First action item - second reading on fees in public school. Doug addressing the work done on this policy.
No changes to policy from first reading other than corrections of typographical errors. Open to questions and motion.
New fees policy passes unanimously.
Next action item is finalized fee schools for high school, junior high school, & elementary school. Reiterating fees on schedule are maximums. Schools to develop a more specific fee schedule & spend plan based on budget w/ accounting department. Will give parents more detail.
Nicole asks about Latinos on Action and where it falls on fee schedule. Discussion about that as a "good question." They aren't sure. Seems to depend on whether it is offered as a class or not? Might need to be it's own item on the fee schedule?
A class at some schools and a club at others...
Requires amendment to the schedule...
Dr Bates asks what the amount should be? Nicole isn't sure.
Karyn prefers to bring this back next month for a vote. Doug points out change to rental fee on high school fee schedule.
Budgets and fee schedule must be done before school starts. Spend plan must be done before activity starts. Question about early tryouts and fee schedules... Doug says data is lagging a year. Asking coaches and advisors to put budget together for parent meetings as usual for now.
For now, figuring everything out virtually. Including tryouts. Emailing parents information about budgets. Next years fees will be capped by new district fee schedule. All coaches are aware caps on programs are coming. Will be enforced next year.
Flexibility only in spend plans, but not on amount. Terry still concerned about extra costs & fees. Doug points out that is why USBE got involved & this new plan was created. Dr. Bates assures that principals will oversee budgets & fees drill advisers, cheer coaches, etc adopt.
Tonight second opportunity for public comment. Clearly announced. No one signed up.
John circles back in LIA - no class fee required. Should only be treated as a club. Dr. Bates points out if schedule adopted as is, there would be no fee charged. Connie A asks for clarification. Dr. Bates says if it is a class there could not be a fee.
Connie A wants to be able to bring this back later. Nicole asking if it can be treated as a club? Depends on if it if a class or not. Club fee could cover sweatshirt cost.
Next Junior high fee schedule. Instrumental rental fee the only change.
No changes to Elementary fee schedule.
Motion carries. New fee schedule in effect.
Next, a superintendent discussion about graduation, anticipating dismissal will be extended. Looking at other options to honor kids. John discussing work with Jostens to move graduation to online platform, with cap and gown. Pick up by alphabet. Must return gown for diploma.
Will still have speeches, sing song if prerecorded, get Board members brief prerecorded speech... Will retain key components graduation discussion on Friday in discussion with Jostens. Everything will be put together and available online. Link to families. Entire thing recorded.
Concern about technology problems if live. Also concerned about last minute kids making it or not. Will err on side of kids making it. Question asked about kids without technology. Believe everyone has tech...working to put wifi hubs in busses to make network available.
Will still have a graduation meeting with board members and counselors. Not being strict onnxitizenship requirement now either. Giving kids a break. Karyn asks who is actually putting everything together for each school. Not Jostens. Someone from each school who is tech savvy...
Ben points out district will support schools with livestream as well.
John promises clear and frequent communication between school counselors and graduates. Can use yearbook picture if the graduates don't want to come pick up a cap and gown.
Not betting on being back at school for the end of the year...
Rick Anthony is also going to talk about resources provided to teachers for transition to digital learning next.
Switching computers...
Karyn giving background while stalling for the switch. Got a lot of communications from teachers who could not easily find help and simple tutorials on basic how tos for teachers. Rick discussing next. Ben within 6 feet again...
Two links on distance learning on district home page now. Distance teaching site has been up for two weeks (but sent linked prominently on home page like it is now as of today). Demonstrating it to board members. Acknowledging challenges for everyone. Stressful.
Discussing Google classroom for elementary teachers. Lots of simple tutorial videos. How to create class, add students, add assignments, etc. Next a demo of Canvas. Interrupted by frozen screen...
Terry and Gayleen expressing thanks and awe for everyone stepping up ...
Rick back at his original computer. Showing secondary tutorials for Canvas. Instructor video guides, etc. Notes Canvas commons allows sharing.
Now back to Lesson Design tab. 2 week chunks for elementary. Shared drive with standards, etc. Updated with new materials all the time., including scope and sequence, materials, standards, etc. Similar support for secondary for large classes. [Will have to check that out later.]
Karyn embarrassed to note teachers have been going out of district for support. Must provide more than just pacing guides and standards. Rick says there is reliance on STS & LMTS. Also using help from instructional coaches and curriculum specialists for nuanced questions.
Nicole adding 2 cents. Jas reached out to friends on other districts to figure out how to do things. Appreciates that district is putting all of this information in one place. Everyone in the same boat trying to get this out. Asking about PBL 3 assessments in distance learning?
Assessment can be more than a quiz. Important to get 3, but may require different thinking. Trying to give teachers autonomy over assessments. What if there's a standard where you just need one assessment? Allowed. Dr. Bates refers to teacher frustrated kids don't turn things in.
Engaged kids count as assessment regardless of whether they turn things in or not. Just need to think through that for digital format. Rock acknowledges they don't have all the answers. Trying to help teachers help each other.
Nicole also asks if ALL teachers are really on Canvas. Presence, degree varies. Depends on teacher, course, student demand, or all of those things. Nicole also raises point about Canvas and Gradebook integration. It is a problem. A big topic for another discussion.
Connie A points out Gradebook could talk to Canvas before PBG.
Connie A raises this as a source of frustration, being forced to transfer grades. No quick answer from Rick. There is a plan to try and resolve it.
Karyn applies efforts and sharing. Offers encouragement to keep adding supports.
Dr. Bates asks for study session to calendar something... construction related. Silence...
And they're back. Hold two weeks from now to discuss awarding contracts.
Next board reports in precinct order. Todd First. Shout out to Evergreen junior high for performance. Discussion of junior high school plays, cancellations, etc. Good visit to Driggs elementary. Congratulations to Cindy Pham from Skyline for Sterling Scholar. Plus two others.
Connie A saw Cinderella at Evergreen too and it was wonderful. Sees online learning up close with Spanish teacher at her house. Teachers are rock stars to do what they do and use Zoom and everything else. We could never have anticipated a pandemic. Teachers have truly stepped up.
Asking Dr. Bates about parent communications asking about grades for confused students...what to do? Children who can't understand math at home, don't have wifi, etc. Have we figured out what do? Dr. Bates says 35 busses going out to provide wifi. Notifications by text & email.
Getting people together to contact children who are not engaging... Connie A asks if students can still get a Chromebook? Yes.
Connie B also saw a play. Impressed by dedication. Thanks to teachers. Sees disappointment that some students dont get on, but is happy to help when there are requests for support for other classes. Teachers are helping each other. Good to see.
Nicole next. Bennion Junior did their play earlier and completed run. Hadlrd for other schools that did work but have nothing to show. Noticed teacher parades. This is hard. Not what we got into the business for. Parades, zoom meetings, it's all amazing. Thanking everyone else...
Lunch ladies, aids, subs, bus takes a village. Tville reconfiguration discussion cancelled.
On Spring break. Taking a class. How can we support? What to do? Meet. Discuss. Recognize. Thanking Gayleen for service. Karyn points out need to still socialize in era of social distancing, even for introverts.
Terry thanks everyone. What has YouTube videos of new homeschool parents coming to appreciate educators and teachers
Gayleen lives close to epice territory of earthquake. Glad there were no children in schools when it happened. Watched Whittier elementary demo a long time ago glad we are getting new buildings before earthquake.
A month ago thought wouldn't be here. Mission will stay on July now, so will remain on board through school year and graduation. Also doing distance.lesrning, starting to learn Croatian with a tutor.
Karyn went to Granger choir concert and s nunber of community council meetings. Shout out to them for time commitment. Shout out to be teachers. Doesn't think teachers have ever been more appreciated than now. Kayrn expresses appreciation to teachers and support staff.
Lastly a message to class of 2020. Unique circumstance. Not what anyone wanted. Tours cancelled, so ring sports sidelined, AP tests delayed... Thanks for being resilient. We will try to find way to recognize graduation. Thinking of you. Thanks to district for thinking about this.
Thanks to board members for learning new things. Thanks to tech department. Hope to have bugs worked out next time. And adjourned.
Thread complete.
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