Remember Stephen Neal? Kerry McCoy remembers Stephen Neal. 2000 US Nationals -
TBF, McCoy got the better of that one. 1999 was really Neal's year. NCAA semi-finals, vs Karl Roesler
I can't believe Roesler doesn't get pinned here.
Normal heavyweight shit
This looks like the spot in the martial arts movie where the nameless guard gets killed by the ninja
This is some 1983 Ole Anderson shit and I love it.
If you know (or are) Karl Roesler, please get in touch and let me know if he still has arms.

3rd period, Karl gets off a shot and, uh... this happens
That set up the final against a dude you might have heard of. Brock somebody.
That single didn't score. This did.
That scared Brock off; he didn't take a real shot again til about the 5 second mark.
1999 US National freestyle finals. Tom Erikson, 1997 champ and *NINE TIME* runner up. No wonder he went into MMA. I'd want to punch people too.

Look at this great counter from Erikson -
And the counter-counter by Neal -
Thanks, ESPN2, for cutting six points of Neal scoring, but Neal ran it to 9-3 after Erikson re-injured a pulled rib.
Neal in the World Championship finals against Andrei Shumilin, and this thread is about Neal but great moves are great moves
What the math folks call small sample size, but trying to turn Neal seems like a bad idea
He's not the most subtle wrestler ever, but subtlety is for people who can't do this
Neal didn't have a lengthy career, since he thought "hey, you know, I haven't played football since I was 16 but I think I'll try out for the Patriots" in 2001, made it, and stuck in the NFL for a decade...
...but 2 NCAA titles and '99 golds in the US Nationals, Pan Ams, and Worlds (plus 3 Super Bowl rings) is a pretty nice resume.

People seemed to like the Dave Schultz thread, so if you dug this, too, feed me some names and let's remember some wrestlers.
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