Sony has officially revealed their new disposable controllers for the PS5. Each controller comes in at a whopping $199 and only takes a single D size battery. Most early testers have complained very much about the weight assosiated with the odd choice of batteries.
Sony recommends disposing of the controller and replacing it with a new one every 3-6 weeks.
Sony has admitted upfront that they took a lot of inspiration from the Sega Dreamcast controller design and are actually adding a port to the PS5 to allow you to use the original Dreamcast controllers.
Popular new games like Twisted Metal 6 will feature full VMU support and the game will be playable on the VMU.
The controller also has a wireless charging feature that is only possible when placing the controller directly on top of a Super Nintendo and then powering the system on.
The built in microphone on the controller is "pretty good" according to inside sources. Rumor has it that Sony was able to get a very good deal on a landfill full of Motorola Razer phones last year and re-purpose the phone mics.
The controllers blank white space is actually a dry erase feature that they are hoping will be a huge hit among the artistic gamers that love to personalize their gaming gear!

*Sony Dry Erase Markers sold separately
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