Dem loyalist trolls are ratioing this tweet because in their minds Democrats are eternally brilliant and perfect, but forever powerless.

Over here in reality, though, Democrats control an entire house of Congress and there are must-pass bills in the works
One thing that makes it especially absurd to a full plan for opposing the GOP is that, when the GOP goes into these same fights and wins big, it clearly never has a long-term plan. It just exploits every leverage point until it can't anymore, then retreats to the next one.
This is COMPLETELY WRONG. Democrats do not have "less leverage." Our government does not award victory to the side that controls more branches.

It's about veto points. Dems hold veto points, the GOP holds veto points. They have EQUAL LEVERAGE.
The GOP recognizes this. When it controlled even a single veto point, it used it to shut down the Democratic agenda and force massive concessions.

Dems, by contrast, refuse to stop thinking of themselves as outnumbered, even though they're equally situated to the GOP in 2010.
The other thing is, the GOP has more to lose. As the incumbent party, failures tend to land on its head and the head of its president. That's why Trump is so desperate to end the crisis and salvage the economy! That's why McConnell was unafraid to crash the economy in 2009!
Liberals, seemingly because they'd rather spend time explaining inaction than actually acting, often get very lazy when they think about this. They just sort of say "two is bigger than one" and assume the GOP has more power in negotiations because it controls the Senate AND WH.
But that's not how it works. Each institution comes with specific powers that extend from the structure of our government, like appointments or agencies. But in an inter-house or inter-branch standoff, all the sides have an equally robust veto. That's why it's a standoff!
Guys, right now, the whole problem with the Democratic Party is that it has proven completely incapable of stopping anything Trump is doing. We're not trying to pass massive policy packages here.
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