Here's what we know:

1) No one is allowed to leave their home, thereby making it easy to determine where most people are.

2) No one is asking if covid19 could be environmental. In fact, YouTube is actively censoring anyone trying to ask if its #5G.
3) The military is deployed domestically and they've been told they're here to take people off trains.

4) #5G was announced and deployed as crucial for covid19 recovery and national security.

5) The track record of Washington DC.
6) There is no gold standard for covid19 testing. Coronavirus is inside of everybody.

7) MSM: "Even a negative test means nothing." "Millions must be tested." "We have to take these people out of their homes... even if they have almost no symptoms." "This is just the beginning"
8) The trains and the military are here to take everyone away with covid19. This can be anybody they want. We are locked in our homes so the Holy Ghost is flying over our doorway and removing anyone with the wrong blood.

A real-life living Passover.

And it all starts tomorrow.
9) If you don't know the meaning of Passover it involves eating a goat, not breaking its bones, and smearing the blood over your door. Those with the blood were "passed-over." Everyone is under quarantine so they are most likely at home.
10) If you don't trust the government, you might want to leave your house starting tomorrow for a week. Trump has already authorized pre-crime investigations, and now he has declared war on covid-19. Covid-19 is humanity.

11) @realDonaldTrump will begin the sacrifice tomorrow. It will last for 7 days. This is why he said the next two weeks would be hard.

This is why his face is orange.

Only the representative of Jupiter can sacrifice a human inside the city walls.
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