the racist whites on tiktok are at it again. the way she would NEVER have the audacity to say this to her or any other black persons face. all of that because i’m guessing the girl commented on how dark her tan was?
there are so many racist white people on social media who have the audacity to say the most racist bullshit behind a phone screen that they would never say face to face with anyone. chile i’m tired
ALL OF THAT because the girl told her that she was tanning too dark??? literally what
y’all do not understand how much this irked me to the core of my being. it’s like such a common thing nowadays the colonizers are getting too bold on tiktok
not even just on tiktok tho in general like damn we really just out here breathing why must u hate us so much
i’m sorry man but this the kind of shit that makes black people sometimes not want to fw white people. sure it’s not everyone but it’s literally 2020 and there’s are so many people genuinely being racist without a hint of remorse and it sucks. no one should have this much hatred
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