we've wanted to do this for a while but never had the courage to, but since things are resurfacing again, we wanted to:
1. let people know the type of person they're supporting when they follow him, and 2. talk about it, to maybe help us all heal finally

so, about our abuser:
TWS: threat of suicide, self harm and s-h threats, emotional abuse, gaslighting, manipulation, encouragement of suicide, bdsm and intense rp, borderline sexual harassment (idk if it counts bcs its online?? but still hard to read)

LOTS of sensitive content in this, so be careful
in september 2019, i made a group chat called zpcp. in this gc was leo @lunchblade, cosmo @faIIencosmos, amanda @igglepiggIe, and me (& others but they're not involved). please read all below.
in the gc leo would frequently show many toxic traits, and also manipulative behaviour. please read all below.
during my short relationship with him from september to october, leo emotionally abused me in many many ways. please read all below.
this abuse continued even after i realised the issues and the emotional abuse i was being subjected to. please read all below.
a little while after we broke up, cosmo and leo got into a relationship. however before this, leo was also being toxic and just downright gross. please read all below.
they then officially got into a relationship in november 2019, and leo began showing toxicity and also emotionally abusing her. please read all below.
they broke up in february 2020, but even after the relationship leo was abusive and gross, as she was still in a gc with him and not many people knew of the shit leo had done to her while they were dating. please read all below.
whilst these abusive relationships were going on, leo was also doing some incredibly fucked up shit to amanda. please read all below.
after seeing my tweet where i talked about 'exposing' my abuser soon, leo knew this was about him and made an "apology" thread (not rlly apology lmfao) on his acc. please read all below.
after realising i still had intentions of talking about the abuse, he dmed cosmo. please read all below. (ss are of the dms)
in the dm with cosmo, he talked about being blocked by me, and that's why he hadn't apologised. so i unblocked, and we added him to a gc so he could apologise properly. please read all below. (more ss's in next tweets)
more screenshots
screenshots of yet another laughable apology
that's a rundown of everything. i would add more but my mind is a mess rn and this is honestly the most difficult thing i've ever had to tweet. so please just read below.
from this, please realise that people are not always what they say they are. people lie, people hurt, and people abuse. that's just life. but these things are NOT acceptable, and if anyone does anything like this to you, TALK ABOUT IT. tell someone. you don't deserve it, and +
+ you should NOT let this happen.

i also hope you all stay safe, and that this opened your eyes a little to what the world can be like. even though it's online, people can still hurt you.

all i ask is that you block, report, and stay away from leo. not for me, or cosmo or +
+ amanda, but for you and your own safety. we never want anything like this to happen again, to anyone. please. the same goes for any other abusive person: block, report, and move on.

also please dont harass, target or witchhunt leo. yes hes a dickhead and yes, i hate him, but +
+ abuse and death threats are NEVER EVER acceptable and we do not want that to happen under any circumstances. if you're going to do anything, then block and report. that's it.

thank you for taking the time to read all of this, we'll forever be grateful. again, stay safe and +
+ tell someone if you think you're being abused in any way.

thank you yet again, love to all. <3

- serena, cosmo and amanda

p.s. we see he's deactivated his acc now 😐😐 inch resting indeed.
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