04/07/20. GROWING UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS THROUGH COMMUNING WITH THE EARTH. Hi, my friends! I had a wonderful day today, planting things for my upcoming garden. I hope many of you are considering a garden as well, for many reasons.
We talked awhile ago about the idea of growing gardens to give you more self-sufficiency, in the event you are affected by natural disasters that will play out in various places over the next few years. Aside from that, growing a garden helps us learn unity consciousness.
Much of humanity moved so far away, in recent years, from the connection to this beautiful planet. Many have moved away from eating living food to eating out of a box, with no idea where their food came from. Some have never planted a seed to see how life springs forth.
Creation is all about life. Life is the point of everything. And growing something—even in a small space—can help you regain your connection to your beautiful planet, the souls that come into seeds to make plants, and each other.
When you plant a little seed, a soul in its second level of consciousness enters the seed, and provides the energy to grow a plant. It still amazes me, every single time I plant something, how this process works.
The living being that is the Earth wants to share its bounteous energy by growing things. So by planting, you give other souls the chance to grow and develop and serve others. The second density souls in plants are pleased with the opportunities you give them to serve you.
Whenever you plant something, you can serve the planet and the souls who are plants by grounding your light, your Creator energy, into the Earth and the seeds, simply by projecting that light energy with your thoughts. That light energy travels throughout the planet.
In unity consciousness, which you will learn to fully live in the New Earth, every soul is valued for their contribution to the whole. There are no “elites.” From the living planet, to the tiniest plant, to the souls who provide teaching and leadership, every soul is important.
Growing seeds, or planting trees, or even having a small container of herbs growing on a sunny windowsill, helps you to learn to love and appreciate the contribution of the planet, and plants, and learn to live in unity with them.
If you have space to grow an actual garden outside, or even a deck to grow a bucket of potatoes, you have a wonderful opportunity to support and grow new life. These are valuable skills you will take with you. On the New Earth, you will learn further how to support the planet.
If you are able to grow enough to share the bounty of your garden with another, you have yet another opportunity to serve in a beautiful way. Or, perhaps another will share with you, and a feeling of gratitude can be returned. Gratitude is very loving, beautiful energy.
I know this must seem so simple, and that is the beauty of creation. We are all linked. We are all part of the living network of the Creator. And even at this stage of consciousness, we have the beautiful opportunity to bring life, and all its bounty, to each other.
I encourage all of you to give growing something you can eat a try. Order some seeds online if you are unable to go out and buy some. Even some fresh herbs, easily grown on a windowsill, can bring living food into your body, and a new sense of joy and gratitude into your life.
Whether you decide to grow something or not, take the opportunity to ground your light into the Earth, and help your planet heal. This is such a beautiful planet. It has served humanity for a very long time. And extending our energy into the planet can help it very much.
Thank you all for the positive things you are doing in trying times. You are loved.
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