I'm writing but I want to pause and write a thread that is going to make some of you all mad, so get ready.
So many African Americans are dying of #COVID19. Can anyone tell me why the Democratic Party is not relentlessly talking about their biggest constituency dying?
I mean, I don't expect Republicans to care, but I want to know why Dems, Biden Etal are not fighting for more tests in high impact places for African Americans and other Ethnic communities.
Understan td, I'm not saying everyone else shouldn't get a test.. they damn well should. But I am Sick of Dems wasting a good opportunity to pummel this sorry ass administration about the pathetic preparation that they did for the #Coronavirus. Say what you will about Bernie...
But damn it, I know Bernie wants Medicare for all. I know he wants me to have some health care. I am not sure the Democratic party wants anything but my vote, and they dont' give a damn whether I die from the #coronavirus
I don't want a podcast from Biden. I want him to be raking Trump over the coals everyday for not preparing for this tragedy we see unfolding. I want Dems to care about the Nurses, Doctors, and Health care professionals that are on the front lines every day putting in the work.
I want Nancy and Co to do more than just let Trump fire the guy who was supposed to be over the bailout money and just whine about it. I want them TO FIGHT. I'm so sick of this spineless, hopeless party of DONKEYS.
I really really am disgusted with Dams, I truly am. I do not understand how they can be so incompetent when they get chances handed to them to rail against the injustices that are happening because of what this administration has done and is allowing to happen in this pandemic.
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