Recently I’ve read a lot of great writing from aspiring Gen-Z writers who are writing for Gen-Z teen audiences and shocked (Dismayed! Confused!) as to why publishing isn’t nabbing these voices. Then I had a revelation…(a thread) 1/
The majority of publishing gatekeepers are Gen X, Boomers, and Older-Millennials… and these peeps have certain ideas about what teens are like and what things teens like, and these assumptions are filtered through the lens of their generation… 2/
So, in order for Gen-Z writers to successfully publish for Gen-Z audiences, they must appeal to Gen-X, Boomer, and Older-millennial gatekeepers.

This is kinda bonkers, right? But it is what it is. So Z’s… gather round: 3/
What do Gen-Z’s need to know about Gen-X, Boomers, and Older-Millennials (hereafter referred to as XBOMs)? 1 – XBOMs don’t get how high school culture for Gen-Z’s is way way different then the high school culture of their time. 4/
XBOMS have this John Hughes-slash-Nora Ephron idea of teen life, so Z's, definitely watch old movies from the 80's, 90's, and 2000's... Clueless, Mean Girls etc... 5/
It becomes pretty clear how XBOMS are different from Zs just after watching some old films. XBOMS cared about popularity, sex, bullies, cliques etc... while Z's are like: late capitalism destroyed the world & now everything is hopeless here's a Tik Tok compilation I just made. 6/
So Z's, you gotta address the expectations of the XBOMs, so you can then subvert them. Use your manuscript to teach the XBOM gatekeepers about your culture. Hang lanterns on all the things XBOMs aren't going to understand. 7/
For instance, your manuscript could have a new Millennial teacher show up wearing their Juicy Track suit, Ed Hardy t-shirt, and bump-it. You'll warm the hearts of millennial gate-keepers showing that you get their culture... that you SEE them. 9/
That Millennial teacher could be changing out of their clunky Mary Janes at the end of the day, while commenting on how the school seems so "open" and "accepting"... almost *unrealistically* so. And then your MC could respond using snappy dialogue to explain how... 10/
...your generation has discovered that the enemy is not your peers but the oppressive systems that give power to some at the expense of everyone else. 11/
Because XBOMs have been out of school for so long, you REALLY have to make this clear so they understand your MC isn't *unrealistically* aware... that this is just how Z's are. 12/
Here's a hard truth: XBOMs don't get Gen-Z humor. & Gen-Z humor is sometimes really hard to explain... We're gonna have to do some hard thinking about this.. I don't have good answers yet. But a scene where a Z is explaining their humor to an X, could be funny if done right. 13/
I'll probably add more to this thread. But I'm here for you Gen-Z writers! Your words are important! You will find a way to appease the XBOMs. I'm rooting for you!
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