what is risk? let me tell you what is risk.
risk is a situation involving exposure to danger. we all probably take some form of risk everyday. and those who take the biggest risk will see the most growth in the quickest time because they are not scared.
let me tell you my biggest risk lately. it was in the middle of the night and i had trouble falling asleep.
could it be because of insomnia? i highly doubt it. could be it because im jet-lagged? also no, i’ve fixed my sleeping schedule since flying back.
then it had me thinking, ‘what is making me not able to sleep?’ and it hit me. my stomach started to grumbled. but not because i was hungry, but because i was full.
i ate 2 slices of nutella bread before getting in to bed and now i have stomach ache. so basically i decided to sleep knowing i had stomach ache and gambled on if i will shit the bed or not when i wake up.
i managed to not shit the bed. thank you for reading this thread. see you guys in my next TedTalk.
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