with my virgo placements, i took accountability for the lack of close relationships in my life by admitting that i don't trust people so until i trusted myself, i chose solitude. simple as that. leave people the fuck alone if you're just gonna hide from them. novel concept.
yes, it was very lonely but oh well. it was better than half assed connections on my part and theirs. now i'm really my own friend and my hermit cave is a positive place where i create, learn, and study. can't complain that people don't wanna hide with you. oh well. get over it.
we all have problems so find solutions or at least a starting place. ask more of yourself and find what brings you peace and eliminate the problems with boundaries. not leaning on a crutch to excuse your own lack of self-respect to choose more. be real with yourself.
virgo rising or not, i have deeply rooted trust issues and a damaged sense of self. i always show up in my relationships as myself and as i learn more about myself and feel more complete, i change. when i can't show up, i say so. i don't run away. what they gonna do? beat my ass?
all of those expectations to be a perfect anything are false and rooted in fear. i don't accept that from anyone wanting to be in my life. perfection is not real. learn to feel satisfied and learn to walk away when you're not. don't think you can force me to be who you want.
virgos would be better off admitting they don't actually know what they want rather than silently wanting people go read their minds all day and just knowing because they know. self drag as well. open your mouth and communicate. or stay by yourself.
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