The latest TDS talking point is that the @WHO is actually the good guy in all this.

A quick trip down memory lane for how @WHO has pushed Chinese propaganda about #coronavirus for months.
We’ll start with the classic: they deliberately pushed the fabrication that there was no evidence of human to human transmission. (Debunked here by @NRO:
@WHO claims that China has been transparent about the disease, which is laughable, and that they shared the genomic information quickly for the virus. Both of those are false. As @WSJ reports here:
@WHO has been more than willing to cover for China’s extralegal efforts to curb the virus’s spread. More on that here from @hrw:
@WHO publicly opposed a travel ban, despite intimidate knowledge of local spread and other consequences. (The ban has helped mitigate spread, per @USATODAY, and would’ve been more beneficial if enacted earlier...while @WHO was urging against it:
As has been debunked repeatedly, China was anything but transparent and forthcoming, despite @WHO claims. This, from @TheAtlantic, is very good.
And, of course, @WHO is the authority cited for why it’s “racist” to call it Wuhan or Chinese coronavirus.

I’m sure that decision and all these lies are unconnected.
Also unconnected, surely, is @WHO’s support for China’s Belt and Road initiative, which helped accelerate the spread of the disease. More on that here from @CFR_org:
So...yeah. We should #DefundTheWHO
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