AAAAAHHHHH FUUUUUCCCCK! Seriously WTF is wrong with our federal government and their ability to manage construction projects on First Nations? I mean seriously, Canada, you have got no godamn idea how bloody useless and ill-equipped paid government consultants are in managing!!!
OK - so why do we have commissioning, and sign-off on projects by engineers qualified to fucking do so?? Why? To protect the Owner, the end-user, and to make sure it all operates as per design, and meets performance. That's why. It's a LEGAL requirement!!
So why is it not happening?? Why is that third party financial advisors feel that they can create a list of deficiencies with no qualifications to do so? Do they understand performance curves on pumps? Do they understand design issues that could create problems in the future?
These are TAXPAYER $$$ folks. So what the fuck is going through people's heads when they just say, you know what.. we don't need commissioning, sign-off, certification, and handover. You FUCKING pricks! You are the #1 reason why First Nations get left with SHIT projects!!!
And who gets seriously fucked over in the process when a design doesn't work or the GC doesn't know how to LAY pipe in the ground correctly???!! The specialized subs who have to be FUCKING DaVinci and figure out your damn shit ass projects. I need to throw some axes...
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