WHO parroted Chinese propaganda about no human to human transmission in mid-January, then they actively intervened against travel restrictions after, and then promoted Chinese false claims about cases.

They are a villain that prioritized appeasing China to saving lives. https://twitter.com/peterbakernyt/status/1247648927228334081
The reflexive need to support anyone and anything Trump attacks is exhausting and dangerous. It really feels like some in the media and on the left will side with anyone and anything that Trump views as an opponent.

And it happens every time.
We saw the same instincts when the administration took out Soleimani. Leading terrorist in the world, but the real bad guys were the people who took him out.

Then they wonder why so many people don't pay attention when they promote legitimate criticism of Trump.
WHO was tasked with detecting and coordinating a global response. Instead, they have done everything possible to praise and appease China at every step, knowingly costing thousands of lives.

Whether you like Trump or not, WHO has proven to be incompetent and corrupt. Period.
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