I try so hard to be patient with these kids online, I know most of them will grow out of it eventually. But do you know how often I have to see teenagers be horny for a slave owner while harassing abused trans lesbians (fictional but more importantly real ones) because we (1/?)
have to defend ourselves in such a careful and specific way because our words are twisted and taken out of context entirely and made to make us seem like we're the ones in the wrong. We shouldn't have to explain the same shit to people over and over again.
I try to be as reasonable as possible, but these people will constantly move the goalposts to be in their favor even though they know they're wrong. They'll screenshot people that removes context and feel right because other people agree with them.
Every day I see trans women called simps and likened to perverts because they like a character and don't like seeing them be mischaracterized because they see so much in a character that is canonically a trans woman. We don't see this with any other character.
But when I see these same people who are mad that this character abused another character go and love an adult man who owns slaves and was written to be a terrible and abusive person intentionally I lose most if not all sympathy for the people who make up lies about us.
When I see these people complain about discourse despite them ALWAYS trying to start up stuff with disabled trans lesbians online, calling them ableist for doing a sarcastic meme about a fictional character, being ableist towards them and trying to fire them from their fucking
jobs because they disagree with them? I can't stand those types of people. They don't deserve any of my patience but I try anyway. And I almost always fail because these people are completely blind to reason besides what they read online once.
I'm so sick and tired of these people harassing trans women and not focusing their attention towards the ACTUAL people who are our oppressors, who wish for our d*ath and put us through so many horrible things.
I've been vocal about this for so long but NOTHING changes no matter how hard I try, you don't give a singular damn about us.
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