The office of cranky eccentric Victorian scientist Lady Pip Pippington Esquire
A dratted conundrum is encountered!
Inspiration strikes!
But that would mean... dastardly behaviour by those cads at the royal scientographic society!
Pip Pippington must now prepare a most stern rebuke!
(but first, bed!)
Cranky eccentric Victorian scientist Lady Pip Pippington Esquire delivers a stern rebuke to the cads at the royal scientographic society, but is asked to leave!!
Hours of furious pacing ensue!
But then! after encountering and successfully identifying a roving tricornosaurus, inspiration strikes!
Why, those cads at the royal scientographic society aren't the only ones who can decode the secrets of the fossils!
And thus the Lady Pip Pippington Esquire Scientographical Institute For Completely Legitimate Fossil Identification (Currently Awaiting Royal Charter) is revealed!
(Mutuals, if you would like to make use of the Institute instead of relying on those cads at the royal scientographic society just send a letter to Pip Pippington with your fossils attached. Identified items will come by return of post. )
Cranky eccentric Victorian scientist Lady Pip Pippington Esquire heads out on her daily expedition to record the flora and fauna of the isle!
But while exploring the bamboo groves- a mysterious stone egg!
Stone eggs just popping up all over the isle...
A sleepless night full of pacing and research ensues.
But no answers are to be found in the Pippington library. And the next morning's walk yields more questions!
But clearly the eggs are hatching! Perhaps the bamboo grove will yield further information...
More signs of life! And what's this in the damp bamboo grove ground??
Pip Pippington has found tracks!
And they lead her to...
A new friend!
Hello mystery beast - I hope you enjoy the bamboo grove!
Cranky eccentric Victorian scientist Lady Pip Pippington Esquire has finally finished assembling her first dinosaur!

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