Hi. Hello. Happy Tuesday. I hope everyone staying inside and practicing safe social distancing techniques and only you, are having a wonderful day. #StayAtHome
To those of you who are not, you actually suck. Stay Home. I want to be able to get my things from my school. I want to see my students. I want to see my baby cousins. I WANT YOU TO STAY THE FUCK INSIDE. #StayAtHome
Here’s a list of things I’m missing because of #COVID19 and people who don’t follow Social Distancing:
My Senior Year of College
Living with my best friends.
My student teaching experience
Getting to see my cousins who are 4 years old and almost 2 who don’t understand why we can’t play together.
Going out to eat.
Seeing my best friend while we’re both home.
Being able to get all of my belongings from my school because I can’t go back to campus right now.
That’s all I can think of right now but I’m sure there is more. So for now, STAY THE FUCK HOME SO WE CAN GO BACK TO DOING THE THINGGS WE ENJOY! #StayAtHome
Hi. Hello. Happy Thursday to all my friends practicing social distancing! You’re the real MVPs of the world! #COVIDー19 #coronavirus #COVID #StayAtHome
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