So. Poll coming up. I made a new Twitter in case my stalker tries to search me on twitter by searching the same user as my Instagram, which he may still be able to see. Changed name on this account. I post nothing personal on the other twitter, only books, blog posts, videos. 1/6
I made a new YouTube channel so it can’t be found by googling my name and decided to use a nickname and cartoonized icon/thumbnails in case stalker happens upon it somehow. I wanted to use my new professional twitter as a way to promote blog posts and videos but now since +
I decided to be kinda incognito with my booktube should I only post it on this account, not my blogger one?? I don’t talk about anything super personal in my videos-I talk about liking polyam books but not that I am polyam. But I still don’t necessarily want stalker or IRL +
people finding it. Not that irl’s care enough to go searching but if my stalker did search my bookstagram user on Twitter and found that account (which is the point, cause he’ll find nothing incriminating there) do I want him to possibly be able to see my YouTube? 4/6
I made that account for blogger/booktube stuff and professional tweets he can’t use against me but I would like to maybe be more open in future booktube videos. It’s difficult to find a balance between anonymous and not anonymous. Ugh. 5/6
So. Do I only use this account to promote my YouTube channel and talk about personal stuff in my videos m? Or only promote it on my professional one and not be open about sexuality and stuff? I’ll still have the cartoonized icon and nickname if I decide to use this account.
Please. Read. This. Thread. And. Vote. Thank. You.
You can follow @dykeachillean.
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