I mean, hats off to all in BC who are now socially distancing, but this photo was taken in Aberdeen Centre in Richmond at 6pm on FEBRUARY 8. Yes, two months ago. The Chinese community was socially distancing against Covid-19 before the rest of Canada had even heard of the term
And masks were being widely worn in Richmond in January. Now, rightly, they are seen as sensible and/or a symbol of civic duty. Then, they were seen as a joke. Yeah, that was a bit racist. It was. What I think is a joke, is the effort now to suggest the science has changed. Bull.
Not bigly, horribly racist. But low-grade, casually, assuming-we-know-better racist. Even among sympathetic folk, there was a white-knight patronising thing going on, ironically presented as an anti-racist stance. But both boiled down to this: it's no biggie, and we know better
So yeah, incredible work, all of BC. Take a bow. But maybe consider letting the Chinese community take the curtain call
Oh, also: stay home, wash your hands, stop touching your faces, you barbarians
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