People underestimate the anger in China towards the west and it's accomplices. The party is much more restrained than a large section of the public and the ultranationalists who have a lot of sociopolitical influence.
People don't forget Belgrade, 81192, separatists, American support of Taiwan.

They are best advised to read a history book on how many times the government has acted to stop the anger tipping to an uncontrollable boiling point.
There was a recent poll held on Weibo and over 90% of respondents (over 100,000 people) voted that they felt US figures on coronavirus are fake. Most of the comments lambast the US and westerners.
Going back further in time:

Almost 60 percent of the 500,000 people who took an online survey conducted by Hong Kong based Phoenix television, agreed with the statement that Bin Laden's death was a sad event because "he was an anti-US warrior."
Many in the west have racist presumptions that those who grew up under the Communist Party are both ignorant village idiots & are somehow yearning to be western. There is a tendency to treat Chinese people as infants who want western liberal democracy & want western leadership.
They also underestimate the class awareness of regular Chinese people. Class discussions and discussions about social mobility are hugely prevalent in many households.
Many despise the corrupt wealthy, running dogs of the west, compradors. People know who the sellouts are. They feel that there are many thieves who steal from ordinary Chinese and run off with Chinese money, to the west, with their western educated children.
For the Chinese with privilege, western educations & sympathies to the west, they would have to watch their backs. Some 汉奸 voice support for separatism when they are in the west. Ordinary people see it, they don't like it. Look at history, look where being a smartass gets you.
I believe the real reason they are allowed to say the crap they get away with is that the party gives them enough rope to hang themselves with. Given half the opportunity in any escalation with the US, these people would be some of the first to be targeted by the masses.
Ofc, you are going to get some crybaby say: "but CPC members are the corrupt ones running away with the money". For those fools, they misunderstand what a purge is.

No system is perfect against corruption. However, no one else executes corrupt rich people for their treachery.
Have I ever seen HK execute it's corrupt? No. Does the KMT do it? No. Do the Americans? No?

If all these corrupt arseholes have it so great in China, why do they try to run away huh? It's because they fear the CPC which is good.
I am sick and tired of having to defend Chinese people & the government against people who believe mainlanders have inferior mental capacity to those in the west.
I have the same conversations with diaspora again and again who talk about Chinese people like they are infants.
"They don't have toilets, they have to squat"
"Dirty, unhygenic, third world etiquette"
"They don't know how to think"
"They love the west and want democracy"
"They are brainwashed"
"A swarm"

Like shut the fuck up you banana. These diaspora fools dare call themselves Chinese
I once had a conversation with a diaspora Chinese guy who said that he found it cringe that a woman was singing Chinese nationalistic songs in public, in a western country.

And he thinks he's woke? If your western shithole country is so freederrmmmm, she can do what she wants.
If the Cold War escalates & Chinese are actually put in western camps, it will be these same diaspora idiots who will be begging for mainland Chinese assistance because I guarantee that the Mainland will be the only government who will help.
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