Tom Scott did a recent meta-video-trick where the title of the video said how many views the video has, and u/Fheuef/ on reddit noticed that he hid a link to another video in the source shown on screen...
the video in question:
it's also amusing to link to this on other platforms, because you see that they cache their little link cards, so the count is out of date, compared to youtube.
personally I'm still annoyed that I spent years memorizing the youtube ID of oHg5SJYRHA0 but then this "vevo" shit came along and the canonically rickroll URL has changed.
this is the "original" video everyone linked to:
then a few years later Vevo came along, and I think that one got disabled for a while, and now everyone uses the official one:
speaking of Tom Scott, he once made an emoji keyboard:
but that was back in 2015 and emoji has changed a lot in the last 5 years.
I kinda want to redo that project someday, and include all the new emojis. emojii? emojipodes? I don't know what the plural is. emojix.
The current count of emoji (in unicode v13.0) is apparently 3,304, but that includes a lot that are variants.
1,317 is closer to the base count, then you could set up modifier keys for skin color/hair/gender/etc.
can't wait to have to build a keyboard with gender-shift keys.
my gender is ctrl-alt-shift-meta-super-open apple-option-feature-function-altgr-DELETE
that reminds me that I still need to build that stupid idea I had where I make the moddifier buttons on a keyboard into toggle switches. like in this artistic rendering.
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