Thank you for this!!

I've been seeking for that term "happiness".

It's like "self-love",
everyone speaks about it, says
"you should do it" but rarely can they break it down into what that actually *looks* like.

If you can't break it down simple, then you don't truly grasp
the concept.

It took me 25 years to understand and start practicing self-love, because no one up until that point could ACTUALLY describe it.
This here..
This a beautiful representation of the true meaning of happiness..which is Why the external forces won't fulfill you.

Because if you're fighting/resisting with-in and around you...there is no way to obtain the "Harmony" that sits at the pinnacle of happiness!
I get it now 😏👏🏽👏🏽
Btw, the lady told me,

"Self-love is about being kind and gentle with yourself."

And that doesn't seem like much...but that simple explanation changed my entire life.
This Thread is dedicated to
@SayItValencia .
This is truly profound. 🙌🏽💛
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