Not Azealia defending someone who was predatory and transphobic... why does she do this shit why does she always do this
her music’s fallen off too, the best songs she’s recently put out are old rereleases. I guess Machinedrum/Lone/etc don’t wanna work with her anymore so now she’s with On*x who makes shitty 2011 youtube beats and pretends he wants to collab with girls to get them in bed
It sucks because she’s extremely talented but I don’t think she really cares about her music anymore. Like I’ll still listen to the stuff I’ve already bought, but I’m tired of “forgiving” her after she’s nice to people for a couple of months just for her to pull shit again.
Deep down we all know it too, we’re never getting anything of 1991/F/BWET and not even of Slay-Z quality. She sounds so apathetic on her songs, she sounds like she’s only rapping because she feels obligated to.
And at this point it doesn’t matter. She’s not controversially brutally honest like 2013/2014 when she rightfully called out Igloo and Perez Hilton. She’s just cruel now. And shes been like that for a while now, it’s just hard to accept.
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