BREAKING: The 5th Circuit just issued a ruling allowing Texas to continue blocking abortion access during the #COVID19 pandemic.

Our attorneys are currently reading the decision. More info coming soon. #AbortionIsEssential
The court used a rare procedural mechanism to rule that the district court was wrong to grant emergency relief that would allow all abortion care to continue in Texas.

This decision allows @GovAbbott to use his #COVID19 order to block access to abortion.
Enforcement of the governor's order has already had a dramatic effect on patients’ lives, with some being forced to travel hundreds of miles in a pandemic to access basic and essential health care.
The @AmerMedicalAssn, @acog, and other national medical groups filed an brief calling out the hypocrisy of this executive order, stating: “Indeed, the Governor’s order is likely to increase, rather than decrease, burdens on hospitals and use of PPE...
... At the same time, it will severely impair essential health care for women, and it will place doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals in an untenable position by criminalizing necessary medical care.”
Here is what our President and CEO, Nancy Northup, has to say:

“This is not the last word—we will take every legal action necessary to fight this abuse of emergency powers. Texas has been trying to end abortion for decades & they are exploiting [ #COVID19] to achieve that goal...
... Texas women are not waiting for the courts—those who are able to travel are already leaving the state to get care. Others are tragically being left behind. The need for abortion care doesn’t disappear during a pandemic.”

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