My father's Florida rabbi just said that alligators can be part of a minyan.
His minyan is at least three gators.
Two of them are brothers named Abramowski. One of them, he says, is a real khevreman that everyone calls Pinkie.
Apparently pinkie actually ate somebody's pinky.
All they do is play cards at the tracks and, you know, eat shoes that people throw in the canal.
One of the brothers has such a singing voice, my father says, you should hear it. They're trying to talk him into being a cantor, but he's studying to be a lawyer.
It's hard to do services because they have to keep throwing freeze dried mice to members of the group.

Not who you would think, though. Michael Nussbam, from Jersey. It's not kosher, but he has a doctor's note. It's his ulcer.
One of the gators didn't show up a few days ago so the beadle had to go out in the street and stop every flamingo that passed, asking "You a Jew? How old are you?"
Flamingos mostly are Jewish but they are largely under the age of 13. The older you get, the more likely it is that an alligator has eaten you.
They did find one old flamingo named Feldman. He spent the entire service smoking a cigar and reading an old paperback, but a minyan is a minyan.
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