Last month I decided to research a way to make an inexpensive no-sew mask that is as close to an N95 as possible without having to buy medical grade material. And I found a way.
It’s via my own personal HVAC filter— from 3M Healthy Living Air Filters I get at Target. It is not fiberglass based like some HEPA and vacuum bags. It is polypropylene electrostatic based. You can get it shipped to you. I needed a refill anyway so it’s been sitting here.
When I found out someone I loved was using a bandana and it also only filters 18% I had enough. I dug in... and made a picture tutorial for anyone who needs it. I can’t guarantee anything, I am a TV writer not a virologist. But it’s got to be better than a bandana.
The higher the MPR the more filtration. Get 1500 or above. These masks would have a filter rate down to .3 microns. 77% filtration or more if you use 2 layers. I personally I would use 2. You can either use the material sandwiched between cloth, or you can make the full mask.
I personally would sandwich, but this shows you the basics. Either way it’s already in an accordion shape so you don’t have to even fold it. I give some alts if you’re more crafty, or not and want as basic as possible.
If you hand or machine sew you can cut a pattern found on the Internet and make a truer N95 type mask with wire all around it to form fit — go for it. With 8 accordion folds by 10 in long, you can make about 18 masks from this size filter (14 x 30) or 9 masks if it’s 2 layers.
My two favorite shows as a kid were MacGyver and The A-Team. This is MacGyvered from stuff I had in the house. So other than a filter, use what you have. Pretend you’re the A-Team stuck in a warehouse and have to escape the bad guys during the montage. What do you do, Hannibal?
I used a wire cutter/heavy scissor, some rubber bands, stapler, picture frame wire, and elastic string I found. Use what ya got. The wire and box removal is the longest part of the process, making the mask itself is 5 minutes.
Cut the wire off carefully snipping little by little. You don’t want to cut a hole in it, so you have to take time with this part.
Pull the wire off along the grain of the accordion, less fluffy material comes off that way. The wire cage is attached to the material throughout, so it’s a careful pulling process...
...Until you get everything off and all you have left is this.
Count 8 accordions by 10 inches.

* Super high-tech directions, right?
Cut carefully and straight as possible.
You should end up with approximately 18 of these. Or 9 if you double up.

You could stop here and— using your own cloth: sandwich this in between your cotton or bandana, and wear your mask as usual.

Now here comes the alts...
Most basic mask:
Take the edges of each accordion...
Wrap a rubber band around each end, tie string between the two rubber bands...
Put it on, open it up from above your nose to underneath your chin. You have a basic 3M viral filter mask.
N95 type mask:
You need the nose wire...
Technique 1:
If you have a hot glue gun, you can glue the wire into a permanent shape with the wire at the first fold of the material, carefully form it until hard.

*Don’t burn yourself ya crazy animal.
Technique 2:
You can simply staple closed the length of wire into the first fold. If you have no wire, twist ties, or pipe cleaners, use the filter cage wire you just snipped off and form a length of it into the same shape and use.

*Careful it’s a sharp ya maniac.
The rest is the same:
Staple closed each end of the accordion. I stapled both directions to make sure it was secure. If you’re doubling up and the staples feel unsecure to you, the next step will fix that anyway.

*Pardon my terrible cuticles, we’re in the apocalypse, people.
Tie rubber bands around each end...

*Damn, Jen, moisturize, washing your hands 27 times a day is really tough on the ol’ paws.
Then tie the elastic string to each rubber band...
I found the elastic tie more secure resting on the back of my neck than over my ears. Up to you. Size as you wish. If you have long hair, I also found the elastic resting on a bun top felt like a very secure fit.

*Daaamn girl, find a brush, its a pandemic not Lord of the Flies.
After you put it on, fan the mask open from above your nose to underneath your chin. Form the mask wire that is inside the material around your nose and cheeks for a more secure fit. Now you have one heck of a filtration mask.

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