Dear @navy_reserve,

I understand that you are trying to do what you think is best for your sailors and the Navy Reserves, but is a two week post-mobilization quarantine at ECRC really the best way to go about it?
Expeditionary Combat Readiness Center (ECRC) has instituted a blanket two week restriction of movement (ROM) for all sailors demobilizing. While on ROM, the sailors are constrained to the barracks, during which time meals are delivered 3 x a day by the duty section.
The demobilizing sailors - coming from CONUS or OCONUS - have a check out package to complete while on ROM. They complete this package on their personal computers and email this into ECRC. It takes a grand total of 4 hours to fill out these forms and complete the online training.
The sailors cannot commence their actual demobilization at ECRC until the third week. This consists of emailing the documents to other entities, who are not taking in person appointments.
With the exception of the post-mobilization medical screening (which could be conducted at any MTF), there is no part of this process that the sailor cannot conduct from their own home, provided that they have an internet connection.
So here's the respectfully submitted question for @navy_reserve and ECRC leadership:

Can we let the sailors complete this electronic work from their homes in the company of their loved ones?

Can medical be subsequently completed thru the NOSC or local MTF?

Can we do better?
You can follow @EleeWakim.
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