A gentle psa that “system” is a word used by plural folks with DID/OSDD, that are undiagnosed, who were formed by trauma, who weren’t formed by trauma, and more. It doesn’t “belong” to any one group. It’s a shared community term. 1/
And it wasn’t created on tumblr, or by “the kin community”, or by roleplayers. It’s been around for over 20 years. Yes, it’s gained traction over the years, but it still has existed for quite a while. We don’t know where this latest garbage heap of syscourse came from but. 2/
It’s garbage. “System” isn’t some bad or evil word. “Plurality” isn’t some bad or evil word. And people who use these words aren’t playing some game. Period. This is some peak 2014 nonsense and we’re sick of it. 3/
It’s 2020. While there’s validity in all experiences— including folks who genuinely hate being plural and are extremely disordered— the singlet torture fantasy of “poor broken soul who’s tortured by unknown pieces of themself who must be put together again” IS NOT the average. 4/
It CAN be that way, sometimes, but from everything we’ve seen and read— that’s not the most common experience. Plenty of plural folks have some communication, see themselves as multiple people, call themselves a system, etc, even when dx with DID/OSDD. 5/
Plenty want to live as a system, just as a happy, healthier one. And obviously people that don’t still deserve knowledgeable and comprehensive mental health care, too. But yelling at people for using “system”, for not being dxd, for not being disordered? WTF. 6/
People are not roleplayers and shit just because they might not fit the medical model, or not have a dx, or not fit whatever crap people have been fed by horror movies or shitty therapists.

Personal attacks, misinformation, and spreading outdated ideas is not okay.

PS: If you need to avoid syscourse and the usual you’re not real/that’s not how people with this disorder act/etc please save yourselves and mute this hashtag.

(And please don’t go in if you know it’ll hurt you, or to look for a fight.)
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