2/20 @everydae_me is a digital tutor for high school students that makes learning bite-size and fun 👩🏻‍🏫 https://everydae.com/parents 
5/20 Pioneer Social Enterprise is dedicated to hauling services for construction companies with an initiative to hire formerly incarcerated individuals 🚚
6/20 2SWIM is a social messaging app with an emphasis on close connections and private communities. 2SWIM will be for everybody but we're currently invite-only for POC-, LGBTQ+-, and/or womxn-centric communities, creators and brands (and their allies) 📲 https://www.2swim.plus/ 
7/20 ABLE is a user-driven app that provides the differently-abled a platform to share experiences navigating the physical world and engage their community to improve accessibility 🗣
9/20 EZ Sign Delivery provides easy, fast, and affordable open-house sign delivery services for Realtors in Los Angeles 🏡 https://www.ezsigndelivery.com/ 
10/20 @free_malaya partners with schools, organizations, and communities to foster free and liberated spaces for LGBTQIA+ youth so that they can walk into schools without fear and hesitation 🏳️‍🌈 http://thefreemalaya.org/ 
12/20 Kinder Lashes delivers premium, cruelty free lashes for half the price👁 https://www.kinderlashes.com/ 
13/20 Instant lift + impeccable style + unbelievable comfort = Melonz 🍈 https://www.instagram.com/my_melonz/ 
14/20 Plan V Foods develops plant-based cold cuts for the food service industry. Their goal is to make alternative protein products available, affordable and expected. 🥪
15/20 Play Share’s vision is to bring people together through play and change how people interact with each other at the park and open spaces 🏞️ https://parks.playshare.co/ 
16/20 Rent-a-Romper is a baby clothing subscription company that’s helping parents get through the early years. Because parenting is hard enough 👼 https://www.rentaromper.com/ 
17/20 @shadowclub_co is the first ever micro consulting platform where people can easily and safely book 15-30 minute phone calls to get advice about anything professional 🤳 https://shadowclub.co/ 
18/20 @SKNMUSE Skin and Nature are the Muse for Total Body Care. Natural ingredients used to make the perfect formulas for smooth, restored and polished skin 🌱 https://sknmuse.com/ 
And if you stuck around to the end of this thread, here's a little bonus behind-the-scenes video for you to enjoy! https://www.instagram.com/p/B-sMr__APWV/ 
You can follow @GRID110.
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