Hi hello here’s another costume thread because I can’t be bothered to sleep +I miss Myu.

This is about Prince Demand’s costume from the Bandai musicals!!
It’s about time I talk about Hikari/a Hikari costume.
It’s honestly not that bad of a costume and it’s pretty accurate to the original design though, there were some add-ons and inconsistencies with the design of the jacket.
Add-ons: small beads/gems from the collar bone to shoulders

Inconsistencies: gem is canonically white/clear; it’s black/purple on the costume
(Tho it’s kinda hard to see, the gem on the 90’s anime version is white/clear!!)

Also, I didn’t mention the color of the “vines” on the costume because it’s mimicking the 90’s anime version!
Another inconsistency I forgot to add, the shoes!! Though it’s understandable as to why.

Also............the socks...............
My main issue with this costume is..........the wig.
For one thing the bangs aren’t facing the right direction. Instead of facing right, they face the left.
The wig also has light brown wefts mixed in and??? I don’t understand why??

I haven’t seen the Myus PD is in but the wig was pure white then it suddenly had brown wefts for some reason.
I think in the Black Lady musicals, the PD wig was pure white. When it came to Ai no Sanctuary, they added light brown wefts in.
For context:

(One is them is a reaction pic hence the emoji hearts ✌🏻😔)
His hair is either white or lavender/periwinkle and I’m just wondering where the brown came from???
Speaking of the bangs...

I mean!! ???
Okay I think this thread is long enough so if you made it here, thanks for reading! I should probably make a TL;DR next time...
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