Is Dabi right in saying that there are NO true heroes?

A thread about how Dabi may right in saying there can NEVER be true heroes in a world that couldn’t save people like Twice, Hawks, or Touya Todoroki unless the current status quo is changed.
I. The “Hero” Society of Suppression

Now humans have created a habit of avoiding their problems unconsciously so they don't have deal with issues in front of them.

This way of avoiding is supposedly dangerous of a whole group of people start avoiding as well.
AFO & AM are somewhat metaphors that share the side of the same coin.

AM represents being the shining, symbolic light while AFO is the overarching darkness and shadow that looms over society.
AM wanted to be the SOP by trying to be the best he can be while AFO used manipulation and violence so he can be the best devil king he wanted to be.

AM was aware he wanted to make a peaceful society but was unaware that his "heroic" actions bred more violence.
A certain man-child that had hands all over his body points out to AM on the hero society's hypocrisy.

Unfortunately, AM ignores what Shigaraki was saying to him and doesn't even take it seriously.
The issues that society and the #1 hero + SOP is avoiding to address will manifest into something... sooner whether than later.

No one stepped up to the plate and tried to deal with the issues that plague the society they live in until it's not possible to ignore them.
The LOV are not just villains that were put in the story for the heroes to beat up and put in prison.

They are the living manifestations of the societal problems that the everybody in the hero society is ignoring.

II. “Real Heroes”

There's something to be looked at when Dabi tells Hawks that "There are no true heroes".

Many will probably brush it off labeling Dabi an edge-lord but I think it's genuine coming from him knowing the abuse he went through by a "Hero".
In earlier arcs of MHA, heroes are shown in a good light and that they are always in the right risking their lives to save others.

But soon after HK Stain is introduced into the story to expose the hero society and show heroes in a not so positive light anymore.
Stain went about the wrong way but what he was trying to preach wasn't wrong and there's a reason why his ideology resonated with people (cough DABI cough).

Dabi knows personally what it's like to be hurt by a "fake hero". That's why Stain's will is close to Dabi specifically.
This is Endeavor the hero that defeated the big bad Nomu saving hundreds of people.

But this is Enji Todoriko a man who abused his entire family for years and constant shadow that will stick with him until the day he dies.
Dabi is a victim of a supposed “hero” who had a hand in his son’s own death. How he is gonna believe that heroes exist if he was killed by one and tossed aside for someone else?

How can people masquerade and call themselves heroes if they can't save people at their lowest?
III. Judgement Day has come.

Things that pushed down and suppressed cannot be ignored forever. In the recent chapter, Dabi was clouded in a mostly shadowed figure (Kinda like Hawks 🧐) while he was talking to Hawks.
Dabi is metaphorically being the messiah for the people that were ignored, discarded, and not taken seriously enough for heroes to care about them.

Hawks is just another fake hero to Dabi. Killing someone that was crying out for help only to LITERALLY back stab them in the end.
People like Hawks or Endeavor claim to be heroes and cling to the idea that heroes never give up!

But in the same vain don’t even bother helping someone like Twice...

Mirko says a hero never gives up no matter what, yet Hawks gave up on Twice and killed him...
Hawks greatly respects Endeavor for being the only one that was trying to surpass AM.

But in reality, Nastsuo points out that Endeavor gave up a long time ago when he started to abuse his family trying to find the perfect child to surpass AM.





And many others are literal manifestations of the shadows that society tried to ignore. They are here and, in their face, to show them what REALLY is going on in their ‘perfect society of heroes”.
This is what Dabi was talking about to Hawks. He WILL the "martyr" for those who were discarded and ignored by the so called "hero" society.

It’s judgement day for the hero society and the shadow that is confronting it will be Dabi himself.
In a way, Dabi is right.

The LOV doesn't matter.

Shigaraki doesn't matter.

Hawks doesn't matter.

Dabi himself doesn't matter because he cannot be killed.

Hero society will eventually create another “Dabi” if the current status quo is changed for the better.
Dabi is reminding Hawks that all though he completed his mission as a hero no one will congratulate him.

No one will notice his achievement. He's just another tool used by the hero society to get rid of the trash they created.
Hawks' heroic acts won't stop the cycle he himself is currently trapped in unless he's truly freed from being a hero.

By killing Twice, Hawks is once again caged in the society that he despises the most and Dabi proven right again.

"As always... Scummy heroes are to blame."
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