One really has to take issue with these sunny statements. Just today Lenin Moreno found Rafael Correa guilty of some confected crime, fraud/embezzlement/caring for his people etc, and the Bolivian coup regime elections were postponed
In a sweep the heroic Andean countries whose climate policies were second to none and were ferocious defenders of climate debt (sine qua non of a global just transition/systems Change) were swept from the stage by US/allied action and subversion
True, China is exerting a counter-weight in the world-system but it is not one concerned with climate debt and ecological imperialism in the manner that Correa and Morales were
Meanwhile in every European state and in the US the fascist right is either on the ascent or is polling higher than the left. so what is the material basis for the opportunity for a global just transition?
GNDs which barely mention climate debt and don’t mention at all environmentally uneven exchange are not just transitions and v sorry but AOC is not an eco-socialist
It’s true that the airlines and the energy companies are at historic stock value lows but can anyone imagine that Boeing, a key sector of accumulation will go into the night without a platinum parachute?
Meanwhile what is happening in front of us is a historic shakeout of poorly capitalized enterprises and what will surely be a massive round of monopoly concentration by the time this crisis is over. TRUE there is working class pushback in defense of life, very small
Fires of hope across the US and so it *is* an opportunity precisely at the level of cultural production and ideology to state clearly the common interest of Amazon workers and Bolivian cocaleros in debt cancellation. And non-recognition of coup regimes, in climate debt payments
And just transition North and South based precisely on centralizing the needs and demands of the poor in the third world. Unfortunately the Eurocentrism of the literati chatter on Covid is really just beyond the pale, totally erasing sanctions, imperialism
Emerging market outflows, and so forth, and thereby foreclosing exactly the real opportunity which is in front of us as the dominant ideology fragments
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