Hey friends! It's okay to be exhausted. It's okay to be scared & uncertain. It's okay to have to rest. It's okay to agree that your mind isn't working in your favor today due to grief and anxiety. I respect you just as much as when you are out here being the solution. Rest well
You don't have to prove something, lose something, invent something, or try & secure your ticket to the next roc nation brunch. Rest when you can, help when you can, connect when you can, and survive. Know that you are loved and that you are enough. We live in unprecedented times
I do ask that we remember a lot of people are feeling the same way we are but express it in ways far differently than we would. Let us grow in grace for ourselves and each other during this time.
People are not just fighting for their lives, and their livelihood due to Covid-19. Some are fighting for their sanity. I just want to say I see ya'll and I love ya'll. Dr. King said progress doesn't always happen in a straight line. This applies to our mental health as well.
Let's remember the imprisoned, the homeless, the historically oppressed, and all those who were fighting to be prioritized in line with the dignity they deserve far before the Covid-19 crisis.
As a person of the Christian faith, I pray this Easter aligns us with the original struggles and fears of the followers of Jesus on Easter Sunday. His followers were depressed, too anxious to go outside, living under a government that didn't prioritize their survival, & setback.
Easter was never about big offerings & bright suits. It was about how God meets people when all they have to offer are fears, broken dreams, doubts, & grief. Easter says in uncertain times God can meet us in our doubt & anxiety to reach out a hand of hope instead of judgement.
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