Black people have been telling you for a VERY long time that there is tremendous inequality to our access to healthcare, housing, employment (esp that comes with insurance), etc. Because, RACISM
So why are people now saying racism has nothing to do with the disparate number of Black COVID-19 dealths? Like, the racism stopped and genetics took over?

We really about to start with racist science again?
Example: YES, BP have a higher number of CARRIERS of the sickle cell trait. Carrier does not mean they have it. It means carrier. So why are ya'll counting that as a reason for the deaths...and not:
dense living, lack of insurance, lack of access to medical care, lack of employment with ability to telecommute, with PTO, more likely to be gig/independent contractors, actual employment, caregivers, etc. etc.

Anything to overlook racism and its spawn, huh? Why? (rhetorical)
We WANT to social distance, even at home. But who has the square footage for that? We WANT to not work, but as you can see for so many that is not an option.
Saying it has to do with our genetics, and our higher risk of certain things (e.g. the sugar, blood pressure, etc.) is one step away from advocating for using race-based rationing. You know, like they are already doing with disabled folks and seniors.

Eugentics much?
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